Thursday, July 20, 2006

Step 1: Creating a Marketing Plan

Ok sellers, it's your turn...

We will be focusing on sellers for the next few posts. I hope these posts are providing you with valuable information and giving you what you need to make informed decisions regarding your Real Estate purchases and sales.

Create a marketing plan for your home that will help distinguish it in your local marketplace and attract buyers to your property. This may include advertising in the newspaper, posting your listing on the Internet, holding an open house and more. As a CENTURY 21 Sales Professional, I often use the CENTURY 21 Customized Marketing System to create a personalized selling program for my clients. Its purpose is to sell a home at the best price possible in the shortest amount of time.

Sellers, it is imperative when working with a Real Estate Agent that you heed their advice. We are after all the experts. We continually educate ourselves to maintain current knowledge about the laws and markets in which we work.

In our next post, we will be discussing price. This is perhaps the most misunderstood and often compromised topic about selling a home that sellers face.

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