Monday, September 18, 2006

The New Panama City Airport and what it means...

The news is spreading - The Panama City - Bay County Florida Area has passed another hurdle to gaining a new airport, FAA approval.

Instead of discussing whether or not a new airport is needed or discussing the environmental impacts, let's discuss something else...The Economy of having a new International Airport.

The Panama City, Florida area has historically been a tourist oriented area. The typical industry within the area has focused primarily on the tourist trade, from small family owned service oriented businesses to the Corporate Condominium builders and everything in between.

It is my opinion however, that the current state of the economy is in need of a shift. We can no longer afford to be a small town community relying solely on the tourist trade for prosperity. It is time we grow, and it is time we seek investors and businesses to help our community realize its full potential.

I call on our elected officials, city councils and politicians to help, aid and direct us in our search for growth by offering incentives to entice major business entities into our area. Whether the incentives be land grants or tax incentives, it is time to stop thinking about 'remaining a small town' and think about becoming a major business oriented market place.

With big business comes new jobs, higher pay and improved social and economic development. Not only with increased taxes but also with increased family income higher paying jobs bring with them as well as the residual income family's will have to spend within the community.

When corporate and big businesses such as manufacturing, high tech firms and corporate headquarters arrive, they bring with them higher paying jobs which directly influences the community. Higher paying jobs means more money to spend on incidentals, more money means affordable housing. It's a win win situation for everyone.

Local family owned businesses will prosper, our infrastructure is able to grow and support the business growth with revenue from taxes, our college graduates will begin to look for a future right here in our community as opposed to moving to other areas where high paying employment exists. Our schools and education system is able to prosper when there are more funds available to support them.

The writing is on the wall and it's time for us as a community to embrace the change. It's time to focus on our social and economic future and welcome the growth with open arms. We can no longer afford to be just a tourist oriented community.

As a Keller Williams Commercial Real Estate professional, it is my duty to help the community by soliciting big business and corporations to show them the value of bringing their entities to our area. I call on the city councils to help me do this by providing the incentives needed to bring major corporations and big business to our area.

We have a great community in Bay County Florida with friendly people ready and willing to work. We have colleges that are producing graduates that can help make our area grow and prosper. We need to offer these graduates jobs they can not only be proud of but also have a hand in the growth and the ability to realize their visions of the future for themselves and their families.

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