Friday, November 30, 2007

Panama City Airport - HALTED!!!

It's a sad day in Bay County...

A federal judge in New York issued an order Thursday afternoon temporarily blocking construction of the new Panama City-Bay County International Airport, said an attorney representing a local pilot’s organization opposed to the project.

Read the whole story.

In my opinion, it's a shame that the selfish agendas of so few are able to stand in the way of progress for businesses and residents of an area that deserve economic growth and prosperity.

Panama City Florida, long known as a popular tourist destination, has been awaiting this airport for many years. This move by a federal court judge has the potential to eliminate the expected growth and economic opportunities the new International Airport promised for Bay County Florida.

If the organization known as Friends of PFN (the airports 3 letter FAA designation) a local pilot’s organization, are successful in blocking the construction of the new International Airport, Bay County and the surrounding area may very well see property values plummit, businesses deteriorate, tourism fall to nothing and the area fall into decay and disarray and has the potential to be devastating to the local economy!

It is my opinion, that the Friends of PFN are not friends of Bay County. By attempting to bring an end to the construction of the International Airport for their own self indulgent agendas for the area they have continuously demonstrated their lack of interest in the areas economic well being and future growth.

Claiming that expansion of the existing airport is a more lucrative project, the "Friends of PFN" have been against the movement of the new airport from the beginning.

I find it interesting that these so called "Friends of PFN" and their lawyers appealed to a federal judge in New York City, to further their attempts at stopping the areas ecomonic growth. How is it possible that a judge in New York who knows nothing about the economy, business interests or environmental impacts of the State of Florida can interject a decision at this late stage! Perhaps it is because every lawsuit and attempt by the so called Friends of PFN to stop the airport in Florida was unsuccessful!

The airport was due to begin construction TODAY!

The federal, state and local goverments having all researched the ecological and economical impact the new airport would have on the Bay County and surrounding area have previously given the approval and additional financial backing to move the project forward. But these so called "Friends of PFN" have continued attempts to block the airport at every milestone.

Enough is enough!

"Friends of PFN", you're no friend of mine or Bay County! Take your private planes and go elsewhere!

The people of Bay County deserve an opportunity for economical and ecological growth, they deserve the opportunity to join the other prosperous tourist destinations and we the residents and business owners welcome the opportunities!


Anonymous said...

Please do not stand in the way of thousands of people who like me have invested in their beach properties and can visit them more often infusing more cash into the region once we can fly on something other than a puddle jumper. Take your private plane(s) and go elsewhere, we would love to enjoy our investments, but frankly I can't do the 6 hour drive each way from the ATL as often as I"d like and want to enjoy this home I paid $400k for...........allow me to do so ok?

Panama City Real Estate | Jennifer said...

Thanks for your comment bobby.

I for one value the time you spend in Panama City and will do everything I can to make sure you can both enjoy your investment as well as protect it as best I can.

Wish us all luck!

Best Panama City Beach Condo said...

This should be a big week for the airport. For those of us that do not have great access to PCB news (I live in Nashville) I hope you will keep your blog up to date as news develops.

Panama City Beach Condos for Rent

Anonymous said...


When you find out the news with the airport, will you please let us know? I know they had a recent meeting, but I don't know the outcome.

Thanks! :)

Panama City Real Estate | Jennifer said...

Of course I'll let you know :)

You can count on me to report on anything that affects your prosperity in real estate.